Kundalini Yoga: Some Basic Facts

What comes to your mind when someone mention’s yoga mat or rug? The most commonplace perception or image of a yoga mat that comes to one’s mind are those rolled-up rubber mats on that people carry to their yoga classes. What we are trying to discuss here is a sheepskin rug for a yoga mat. There are many people now-a-days who apparently entertain a woollier variety of their Yoga mat. This is the sheepskin rug which is preferably used in Kundalini yoga. This idea of making use of a sheepskin for yoga is gaining a lot of importance in the contemporary yoga scene. This can be attributed to the rise of popularity of Kundalini yoga. And when it comes to the use of Kundalini yoga Rug, sheepskin is very popular these days.

What exactly is Kundalini Yoga? 

If one has to define Kundalini Yoga, it can be foreground as a predominantly spiritual type of yoga which is very useful in mitigating stress. As we have already mentioned, Kundalini yoga has sort of become very popular of late and some of the high profile practitioners of this more spiritual form of Yoga include celebrities such as Demi Moore, Russell Brand, etc. 

Kundalini is basically a meditative style of yoga, which means that it is preferably performed in a seated position. This type of yoga involves poses which are held for up to five minutes and are done with closed eyes. Sheepskin is usually used for the purpose. It is believed by the Yogis that sheep skin rugs for Kundalini Yoga, sort of protects your energy from that of the earth. Practically speaking, if you are doing Kundalini, it is best to go for the specific Kundalini rugs and not the typical or usual rubber mats or rugs because this type of yoga requires a lot of sitting and meditative posture which is usually static. Hence, one will require comfort and a cushioning effect to make the state of exercise optimal and focused.


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